Do you know of a child in need? Funds are available to help underprivileged children with specific health care needs. The Foundation for Children School Nurse fund was founded by the Arizona Funeral, Cemetery & Cremation Association to provide a means for school nurses, counselors and/or administration to fill a need they saw for underprivileged children with a specific health need at their schools.
Funds are available to help with children’s specific health care needs only. The criteria for determining if a request qualifies are as follows:
- Only medical treatment or health care needs for underprivileged children will be considered.
- In general, requests for funding must be made prior to the actual physician visit, performance of medical tests,
examinations or medical treatment. Reimbursements after the fact are not generally made, but may be considered by the
Board in emergency situations. - Specific items to aid in eyesight and hearing such as eyeglasses and hearing aids will be considered. Some of these requests
may be referred to the Medical Home Project. - Emergency medications (one time request only) may be granted; on going medications are not funded.
- Requests for clothing, bedding or household items are not funded.
- Requests for more than $250 for medical treatments, test or medical devices will go to the Board of Directors of the Arizona
Funeral, Cemetery & Cremation Association, Foundation for Children for review and approval.
Please supply as much information as possible as further questions may be asked by the Board if in doubt.
For more information, please contact Heather Pace, Executive Director, at 602-909-6135 or
School Nurse/Counselor Fund Request From
The Executive Director will acknowledge to the requesting school nurse receipt of the form, its denial or approval or if it will need to go to the board for approval as soon as determination is made.
Suggestions for alternate sources of fulfillment may be given.
Requests under $250 that are approved will be funded as soon as possible from the funds made available to the Executive Director. All requests are given careful consideration and scrutiny to determine critical need. Some may be denied.
Requests over $250 will be reviewed by the Board of the AFCCA Foundation for Children at the next monthly meeting held the second Thursday of the month. The decision of the Board is final.
Approved requests of over $250 will require documentation of who the check should be made out to, address, and back up statements for payments. Denial of a request will be communicated by the Executive Director by phone or email.
A check will be cut within five to seven business days of the approval and sent to the requesting school nurse who will in turn present it to the appropriate organization or can also be mailed directly to the provider. Checks will not be made out to the child or parent.
The Executive Director will follow up with the nurse and/or the provider to be sure the check was received.
If it is determined that a public relations opportunity can be made, the Executive Director and Foundation for Children will work together to coordinate these activities such as obtaining permission from the school, parents and other persons involved. The purpose of the public relations is to help the Foundation gain recognition in the community so that more school nurses can become aware of the funds available and to help AFCCA’s Foundation for Children with their fund raising efforts. The more funds we have available, the more children we can help.
AFCCA Foundation for Children will notify funeral homes in the area of the school for potential public relations activities, opportunities to make personal presentations, media coverage, etc.
School Nurses are invited to participate in any of the AFCCA fund raising events. The School Nurse can be very helpful in promoting these events to the School Nurses Association and others.
A thank you letter or card from the receiving child or parent is not required but would be greatly appreciated. We use some of these in presentations for fund raising activities.